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Printing & Photocopies: You can print from your own personal device to the library’s printer–even from home!

  • Black & White: 25 cents each page
  • Color: 50 cents each page

NOTE: Prints not picked up the same day they are sent are automatically deleted by the software. 

Print directly from your personal computer:

  • Visit print.princh.com, and type in our library’s printer ID: 107902.
  • Upload the document to print.
  • Select black & white or color printing, and number of copies desired.
  • Select the box to accept the terms and then click the CONTINUE button.
  • Enter your email address in the pop-up window.
  • At the library, go to the Print Release Station and select Get My Printouts
  • Enter the email address you provided to pull up your print job(s) and select what you would like to print.  The cost and number of pages will be indicated.  You can preview your document before printing, if you like.

Alternatively, send your print job via email to:

  • Black and White: FEAprinting-bw@ewprints.com OR Color: FEAprinting-color@ewprints.com
  • Attach documents that you would like to print to your email
  • At the library, go to the Printer & Reservation Station and select “Get My Printouts”
  • Enter the email address you provided to pull up your print job(s) and select what you would like to print.  The cost and number of pages will be indicated. You can preview the prints if you like.
  • Please note: when sending attachments to print, the email itself will be listed as a separate print job.  If you do not want to print the email, simply don’t select it to print.  If in doubt, check your print preview or ask a librarian for help.

Monday: 10 to 8
Tuesday: 10 to 8
Wednesday: 10 to 8
Thursday: 10 to 8
Friday: 12 to 4
Saturday: 9 to 4
